• Email : info@beirutconsulting.com

  • Phone : +961 4 723 230

  • Financial Advisors
    Strategic Management

Who We Are?

Beirut Consulting is a leading financial advisory firm focused on serving the middle east leading institutions. We help our clients achieve essential advantage by working with them to identify and build the differentiating capabilities they need to outperform. We have advanced expertise in corporate finance and most notably in feasibility studies and company valuations.


We bring you creative skills, Intelligent thoughts and innovative ideas

Michel Kozah


Mr. Michel founded Beirut Consulting in 2011, he has been active in financial advisory for the past 10 years. Michel has co-founded, advised and worked as an advisor on the board of several international companies in the MENA region. Michel holds a Master's in Finance from the university of Bordeaux IV (France).

Nataly Kozah​

MBA - Executive Director

Nataly has more than 5 years of experience in strategy & management consultancy and corporate finance. Nataly holds a Master's in financial instruments from the University of Saint Joseph.

Rita Awad

Senior Financial Analyst

Rita has worked as a financial consultant in Lebanon. Her experience includes the valuation of major institutions. Rita holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the American University of Technology.​


If you are looking for a place to invest in the Middle East, Lebanon is your best choice in the region. Lebanon’s strategic location, free market economy and liberal financial environment have traditionally played a key role in making Lebanon the most favored destination for investors. Its banking secrecy law, the soundness of its banking sector, which rank at par with the performance of banks of major developed economies, and its attractive corporate tax rates have played a major role in giving investors the continuous confidence to invest in Lebanon. Its qualified and competitive labor force have reinforced Lebanon as a strategic destination for high-value added investments.

Kafalat is a Lebanese financial company with a public concern that assists small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to access commercial bank funding. Kafalat helps SMEs by providing loan guarantees based on business plans / feasibility studies that show the viability of the proposed business activity.

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